Anope 1.7.14 released [updated]

This release of Anope adds support for the Charybdis IRCd, contains several fixes for the amd64 architecture, and fixes a number of small memory leaks and other minor bugs. In addition to this, the german and french language files have been updated, a number of compilation issues and related stuffs have been fixed, and some sanity checks have been added or improved. The complete list of changes and the complete release notes can be found on SourceForge.</p><p>Patch files have not been provided on the past few releases to evaluate the necessity of them. There have been little to no requests for a patch file. If required, they can still be requested on our support channel.</p><p>This release can be downloaded from our file releases section at SourceForge.</p><p>Update:
The download servers of SourceForge didn’t mirror the source file correctly. The source file has been re-uploaded and it should be freely downloadable from now on.

Posted on 27 Mar 2006 by GeniusDex