Happy Holidays

From the bottom of our hearts we’d like to pass on our very best regards to everyone, their families, friends, and even their enemies as well as sparing a thought for those who cannot be with their families today for whatever reason.

It’s been a very productive year for Anope and the community it serves:

. 4 Development Releases driving development further forward at a rapid pace.

. Stable Release of 1.8.0 and two further point releases.

. Celebrated the release of InspIRCd 1.2 and introduced support into both branches of Anope for this as a forward thinking and barrier breaking IRCd development team.

. Introduced an LDAP Directory Backend to the Anope Web Platform to allow for easy access to all of our offered services with a single set of credentials and privileges on 3rd party systems granted based upon directory grouping.

. Modules Site v2 launched introducing LDAP Support and improved usability for all users.

A successful year I’m sure all will agree but we’re not done yet; with new team members joining us since last year we will continue to develop and support a solution widely regarded as “what’s used” when people consider systems to develop their IRC Network. Our two branches will continue to offer stability for those with existing userbases used to the featureset at heart whilst the development branch will continue to innovate offerings from a services perspective and ultimately introduce new database flexibility, Denora Stats integration amongst the code refresh.

We as always are very grateful to our users who use the software, drop in to the channel for a chat and especially those who help us make the product better by reporting issues, suggesting changes & even implementing the changes themselves and passing us a patch. Not everyone can write software, people are always needed for many other roles including but not limited to:

. Supporting users on the support channel / forums
. Testing bugs reported on the bugtracker and seeing whether you can reproduce them.
. Updating the language translation files to ensure they are accurate & up to date for your language.
. Checking through our supplied documentation to ensure it is correct and update anything we’ve missed.

But more than anything, using our latest revisions in our subversion repository even if just in a test environment and helping us find any problems so the problems don’t make it to the finished articles.

We’d also like to plug our sponsors here who have donated resources to us to use for testing (and in some cases to host resources for you guys!) to help the project out as an entity with no financial stimuli beyond our own wallets. Give our sponsors a spin and see if they can do you a good deal on something you may be needing :) - Click here for our Sponsors page.

Once again, from the whole team, we’d like to extend our warmest regards to you in this festive period and wish for a prosperous new year for all.

Posted on 25 Dec 2009 by chaz