InspIRCd 1.2 Released (Our support)

This is just a quick news post to congratulate the InspIRCd team on their release of version 1.2 of their popular IRCd which promises to continue being impressive and pushing the boundaries of IRC.

We wish them all the very very best with their release which you can read about over at their site here.

To clarify our support at this time the following stands:

Anope 1.8.2 does not have InspIRCd 1.2 support built in but a third party module is available from our forums here. If you have problems building this module into your copy of Anope please let us know on the forums and we’ll see if we can provide a copy from SVN+module for you.

Both Anope 1.9.0-p1 and the upcoming (in SVN for testing) 1.9.1 have support for InspIRCd 1.2 built in ready for you to use.

Once again, we wish their team the very best and it’s been a pleasure working with them over the years making this happen.

Posted on 29 Aug 2009 by chaz