Anope 1.9.9 Release

The Anope Team is proud to announce the release of Anope 1.9.9, which is the last release in the 1.9.x development series prior to the 2.0 stable release candidates. This release includes many new features and bug fixes. Anyone wishing to update is recommended to grab new configuration files, as a large portion of the available options have been moved around.

Some of the highlights include:

A completely redone web panel interface

Ability to log services logs to SQL

Redis database support

And many, many, many other things that are too many to list here!

MD5 Sum: 3ba40c838a7685082d9f6e05da5d825b anope-1.9.9-source.tar.gz
MD5 Sum: ae98d58a22224dd0325557ed9af1e823 anope-1.9.9.exe

Posted on 13 Oct 2013 by Adam