News Overview

Currently showing all news items posted in 2009. News items are available for these years:

Happy Holidays

From the bottom of our hearts we’d like to pass on our very best regards to everyone, their families, friends, and even their enemies as well as sparing a thought for those who cannot be with their families today for whatever reason.

It’s been a very productive year for Anope and the community it serves:

. 4 Development Releases driving development further forward at a rapid pace.

. Stable Release of 1.8.0 and two further point releases.

. Celebrated the release of InspIRCd 1.2 and introduced support into both branches of Anope for this as a forward thinking and barrier breaking IRCd development team.

. Introduced an LDAP Directory Backend to the Anope Web Platform to allow for easy access to all of our offered services with a single set of credentials and privileges on 3rd party systems granted based upon directory grouping.

. Modules Site v2 launched introducing LDAP Support and improved usability for all users.

A successful year I’m sure all will agree but we’re not done yet; with new team members joining us since last year we will continue to develop and support a solution widely regarded as “what’s used” when people consider systems to develop their IRC Network. Our two branches will continue to offer stability for those with existing userbases used to the featureset at heart whilst the development branch will continue to innovate offerings from a services perspective and ultimately introduce new database flexibility, Denora Stats integration amongst the code refresh.

We as always are very grateful to our users who use the software, drop in to the channel for a chat and especially those who help us make the product better by reporting issues, suggesting changes & even implementing the changes themselves and passing us a patch. Not everyone can write software, people are always needed for many other roles including but not limited to:

. Supporting users on the support channel / forums
. Testing bugs reported on the bugtracker and seeing whether you can reproduce them.
. Updating the language translation files to ensure they are accurate & up to date for your language.
. Checking through our supplied documentation to ensure it is correct and update anything we’ve missed.

But more than anything, using our latest revisions in our subversion repository even if just in a test environment and helping us find any problems so the problems don’t make it to the finished articles.

We’d also like to plug our sponsors here who have donated resources to us to use for testing (and in some cases to host resources for you guys!) to help the project out as an entity with no financial stimuli beyond our own wallets. Give our sponsors a spin and see if they can do you a good deal on something you may be needing :) - Click here for our Sponsors page.

Once again, from the whole team, we’d like to extend our warmest regards to you in this festive period and wish for a prosperous new year for all.

Posted on 25 Dec 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope 1.8.3 Testers Needed

Hi folks,

As Christmas draws nearer and the time to develop shortens (in lieu of the increased time spent drinking and socialising with the family) we’re once again looking out to the community to help make a difference.

We’re almost ready for the release of Anope 1.8.3 including InspIRCd 1.2 Support, some fixes in XOP, & more general tidying up of issues picked up on during the overhaul in devel.

The Changes file is below thus far and we would very much like to see people coming forward to test this release before it goes live.

Anope Version 1.8 SVN
Provided by Anope Dev. - 2009
10/05 A Added InspIRCd 1.2 support. [ #00]
07/31 F Fixed anope sending umode change using channels’ syntax. [ #00]
07/31 F Fixed TS6 UUID issue while parsing modechanges. [ #00]
08/01 F Fixed several memory leaks in HostServ. [ #00]
08/01 F Fixed several memory leaks in HostServ. [ #00]
08/03 F Fixed TS6 SID issue when introducing new servers. [ #00]
08/19 F Fixed NS SASET displaying wrong language. [#1094]
08/24 F Fixed entry_match() failing when given no username. [ #00]
08/27 F Fixed NS SUSPEND not being shown to services opers. [#1099]
08/27 F Fixed NS UNSUSPEND not being shown to services opers. [#1100]
08/27 F Fixed services sending no or wrong help to opers. [#1102]
08/27 F Fixed services sending no or wrong help to opers. [#1103]
08/27 F Fixed services sending no or wrong help to opers. [#1104]
08/29 F Fixed defcon failing to set and remove modes. [#1101]
08/30 F Fixed MLOCK superseding DEFCON mode lock. [ #00]
09/09 F Fixed number of TS6 compatibility issues. [#1096]
10/06 F Fixed CS FORBID not clearing excepts & invites. [#1097]
11/25 F Fixed a number of major XOP related issues. [ #00]
11/25 F Fixed a bug in CLEAR OPS causing incorrect mode removal. [#1114]
12/01 F Fixed tracking of users host when they disable their vhost [#1106]

Provided by Han` - 2009
07/28 F Updated german language file. [ #00]
07/28 F Added german language support to hs_request.c. [ #00]

Provided by Yusuf Kurekci - 2009
08/11 F Updated Turkish language file. [ #00]

Provided by Christopher N. - 2009
9/20 F Updated French language file. [ #00]

If we don’t get enough support it will not be released until after Christmas and into the New Year.

So, if you want to help Anope help your community email with details of your network (current anope version, current user size, number of servers, OS of services server) and I will reply with the terms of testing to ensure we’re all on the same page.


Discuss on our Forums here

Posted on 14 Dec 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope Development 1.9.1-p1 Released

The Anope Team are pleased to announce the release of Anope 1.9.1-p1! This release includes a number of bug fixes that were found in 1.9.1, so users of the development branch are encouraged to update.

The files may be found here. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

MD5 Checksums:
3ebb8b958e9c99c40c3c7f37b5c1f4f9 anope-1.9.1-p1-source.tar.gz
8f3ea20fc8d87c8e1cf9fa132cbe98d2 anope-1.9.1-p1.exe

Posted on 13 Dec 2009 by Adam (Read More...)

International Support

We are considering opening up International Support Forums & expanding the use of International Language Specific IRC Channels on

If anyone is multilingual including English and wishes to maintain a channel for their language and/or Forum on our web forums please email and outline why it should be you and not someone else.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Posted on 10 Dec 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Modsite v2


Very quick announcement to let you all know that the Anope Modsite has been taken outside, kicked about a bit and brought back in with LDAP support and many legacy issues resolved.

A big thanks to Adam for abusing it into playing ball and I hope it continues to serve as a valued resource for the community.

So.. If you don’t have an LDAP account, get one at

Any problems, let us know and we’ll investigate.

Posted on 22 Oct 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope 1.8.2-SVN with Inspircd 1.2 Support (Testing Required)

* UPDATED * Sunday 6th September 2009

Hi all,

For those who follow the forum, this post will be old news but we’ve taken a copy of our latest stable code and patched it with Viper’s InspIRCd 1.2 protocol module/changes and are seeking people to test this out and help us handle any bugs it may have by reporting them in the thread below.

Forum Link

Source Download 1.8.2-SVN with InspIRCd 1.2 Support

Windows Compiled Download 1.8.2-SVN with InspIRCd 1.2 Support

Windows Compiled Download 1.8.2-SVN With MySQL and InspIRCd 1.2 Support

266d29473c56448c978b2d2434b6c698 anope-1.8.2-svn-insp12-support.tar.gz
af14d09073476c9e2da1c42049a00356 Anope-1.8.2-with-insp12.exe
2c090964919c9e108b0b142125ec85eb Anope-1.8.2-with-insp12-MySQL.exe

Posted on 22 Oct 2009 by Adam (Read More...)

Anope Development 1.9.1 Released

Almost 6 months to the day since we released a patched build of 1.9.0 (aptly named 1.9.0-p1) and as time has gone on more and more has been achieved from what is proving to be a fast paced development cycle. (I know many people will be pleased to hear that).

Not only have we completed the goals we set out on our road map here we have put in some extra bits along the way in what is in the words of one of our team members Adam’s own words what makes this release “BIG”.

Some highlighted changes we want to mention:

  • Account functionality has been introduced (and will continue to evolve) so you don’t have to group every single nickname you use if it’s only a temporary fixture such as chaz birthday, chaz brbsuicide, etc. A knock on from this means you will need to /NS LOGOUT before you can group nicks to your account but we’re looking at whether we can automate this functionality for later.
  • Fantasy Commands - We know how much people love our very own Viper’s bs_fantasy_ext module and how troubled you all were when it wasn’t available for 1.9.x well now you don’t even need it, the majority and some more functionality have been put into Chanserv directly, give it a go, tell us if we’ve missed anything!

  • Opertypes - We’ve listened and responded to people wanting to provide granular access to commands on their own terms, not being stuck to fixed roles as previously so starting with 1.9.1 you will be able to declare your own oper types, assign them specific or blanket permissions and even allow non-opers to use commands on all pseudo clients EXCEPT Operserv (OSOpersOnly enabled by default) which many people wanted to do by allowing help operators perform some tasks that previously only a services oper (and in turn an irc operator) could only do.

  • Improved InspIRCd 1.2 Support - We’ve worked very hard to bring good support for this newly released as stable version of InspIRCd. A big thanks to those guys for being approachable and helping us innovate and build improved platform support together. I can predict a bright future continuing to work with these guys to make it happen.

& many many more.

MD5 Checksums:

e1bda0c09c9b926ee50b708b3c3eaa7b anope-1.9.1-source.tar.gz
38dca4ca861c4b9fa2d1b5519bd49cbe anope-1.9.1.exe

Sourceforge Download Links
Anope Mirrored Download Links

What can you expect from this release?

Well, first of all, don’t expect it to be absolutely rock solid stable as it’s only the second (well third) release of a completely rehashed and rejigged/redeveloped code base! Similarly though you can have confidence that it’s been well tested and abused by several of us on our own live networks so we do have a great deal of confidence in it!

At the moment, we do not know of any issues that aren’t taken care of, but as always we welcome your support in helping us nip bugs in the bud nice and quickly by signing up at our simplified sign on portal and posting a bug over at

Providing accurate and detailed information will help us help you quicker.

What do we need from you?

We need you folks to pick this version up, get it compiled on your testnet (or live net if you really want to work with the most bleeding edge and rapid paced development) and help us put it through its paces, do the things your users do day in day out, help us find any oddities, help us continue to pushing the offering further and further whilst building confidence and getting involved yourselves. We don’t bite. Well, we do sometimes but that’s only if you don’t read the rules or act like an idiot.

Network Testing Group

We want people who are genuinely interested in the future of Anope to get involved and help us by testing, and making suggestions to the future. We can’t do this without you folks and if you don’t get involved you can’t complain later about not liking something!

Interested? Email me, and we’ll have a chat.

Even if you’re interested in doing something completely different, do drop me an email, there’s always stuff to be done and we’re always open to new ideas!

Special mentions

I’d like to personally mention some thanks as it’s not often we receive praise from genuinely happy users, normally it’s a question of why raw doesn’t work or why services won’t link to my network.

The team have all worked very hard in bringing this release to you, but more than that, community involvement is increasing and I’m really really pleased with this and hope that it continues this way.

You are all very welcome to join us on in #anope to help or get help, #anope-devel if you want to get stuck in with the development of modules or the core itself, and finally #anope-social if you want to let off some steam and chill out in a relaxed (safe from my ban hammer) environment.

Finally, a very humbled thank you to the two people who have donated to the project recently (you guys rock and you know it), and also a massive thank you to our very own Jens (Duke Pyrolator) for donating the use of a dedicated server until next Summer! This has recently taken on the load of our web platform where we’re getting hundreds of thousands of hits each month. Thanks again Duke.

Posted on 13 Oct 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

InspIRCd 1.2 Released (Our support)

This is just a quick news post to congratulate the InspIRCd team on their release of version 1.2 of their popular IRCd which promises to continue being impressive and pushing the boundaries of IRC.

We wish them all the very very best with their release which you can read about over at their site here.

To clarify our support at this time the following stands:

Anope 1.8.2 does not have InspIRCd 1.2 support built in but a third party module is available from our forums here. If you have problems building this module into your copy of Anope please let us know on the forums and we’ll see if we can provide a copy from SVN+module for you.

Both Anope 1.9.0-p1 and the upcoming (in SVN for testing) 1.9.1 have support for InspIRCd 1.2 built in ready for you to use.

Once again, we wish their team the very best and it’s been a pleasure working with them over the years making this happen.

Posted on 29 Aug 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope Supported IRCDs

We’re reviewing which IRCds we support and would like feedback from our community as to which they use, and whether they would like to see anything new added to the mix.

Please register for our forum at our centralised user system here and have your opinion heard on our forum poll/thread here.

We need your feedback to make Anope better.

Posted on 16 Aug 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope; your community.

Anope needs you. - Well, it needs motivated people with time and energy to dedicate to furthering the development and stability of the product and it’s ever growing community.

What kind of people does your community need?

It needs all kinds of people!

People doesn’t necessarily mean you need to know how to write C/C++, or even know Anope inside out and back to front it just means you enjoy using the product and want to help further its use and refinement within an ever evolving community.

Your community needs people that want to sit on irc helping other people learn how irc functions, it needs people who spend time on forums again helping people out, and it really needs people to read through the documentation & language translation files, update the old stuff and make it pleasing and acceptable to everyone.

Your community needs network administrators that use the software to absolute destruction and can feed back on bugs, and help us test pre-release material before it’s generally available elsewhere. It’s absolutely crucial we build a nice big group of people who want to help test and feed back information/bugs on both the stable and devel branches.

Of course your community also needs people who can code, people who can look at the existing codebase, make suggestions and contribute for improvements and get stuck in working with our team and the community in helping develop the product you want.

We’re working on lots of community orientated features behind the scenes; a new feature packed Modules Repository linking back to our LDAP System is top of the requests list and we need people with ideas and PHP knowledge to help us make this work as best as possible.

Still not sure?

If you’re keen and want to help out, the first thing to do is get in touch with me via email or on IRC and lets have a chat about what you enjoy doing, what kind of skills you have and whether helping the community out is something you want to do!

If you’re a network administrator wanting to help us by testing prerelease software on both the stable and development branch and help us catch bugs get in touch with details of your network, what version of Anope you’re using and rough numbers of your concurrent user connections so we can build a picture of the scalability of the product in the wild and of course, a localised picture of the software in use on your network!

Finally, if you enjoy talking with like minded people why not drop into our social channel on #anope-social and have a chat or check out the General Chat section of our Forums.

I look forward to hearing from you all in the near future and I am confident that working with our Team on your community will be beneficial to us all.

Posted on 30 Jul 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope 1.8.2 Release

The Anope Team are pleased to announce a small updated release from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2.

This release fixes two problems introduced in 1.8.1 centric to MySQL and a Nickserv Logout bug. - Neither issue is exploitable by a normal user on your network.

We would as always recommend all users upgrade at their earliest convenience.

MD5 Checksums:

79660009a50d1f80cb8309a0d457d5c6 *anope-1.8.2.tar.gz
baf78feb773ced23289e8e76803eedeb *Anope-1.8.2.exe
bb2501cfeeccfce3d86e38dbe1af7da0 *Anope-1.8.2-MySQL.exe

Posted on 11 Jul 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope 1.8.1 Release

The Anope Team are proud to announce the immediate availability of Anope 1.8.1 (Stable).

This release comes 6 months after the debut of Anope 1.8.0 as our new stable branch and brings several bugfixes.

We would recommend that anyone using 1.8.0 (or 1.6.x/1.7.x) install this upgrade.

Once again on behalf of the project I’d like to thank our team with the new members who have joined us since our last release and of course the Anope Community for their continuing use of the product.

Web Resources:

Forum: **
Bugtracker: **

Wiki: ***
Modules Site:
Developer API:
User Documentation:

*** Requires an Anope ldap account from

IRC: #anope - Support for installation/usage of Anope Software. #anope-devel - Support for developers and module authors extending Anope’s functionality. #anope-social - General offtopic chat.

MD5 Checksums:

01299b2f9e30f22ba12ff44dd7c24ec7 *anope-1.8.1.tar.gz
c739c275d072c6e13ff9a349d29267ad *anope-1.8.1.exe
207d16249f782c1b1cc9720f8cdd0d73 *anope-1.8.1-MySQL.exe

Posted on 04 Jul 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Modsite revamp? You tell us!

There’s been a lot of progress made recently, and as you may have noticed we’ve been busy trying to get things up to date as well as rebuilding the community.

That being said, it’s time to rethink the modsite. The current modsite isn’t bad, but it’s hard to admin and users have requested features here and there along the way. We’re currently looking for input from end users to decide the future of the site: Should we modify the existing one? Should we redo it completely?

We need your help! If you have something you would like to add, there is a nice discussion on the forum about it that can be found here. Please take some time to tel us what you think.

Posted on 22 Apr 2009 by Amanda (Read More...)

Anope 1.9.0-p1 Released

Backdated to 16/04/09

The Anope Team are pleased to announce the availability of Anope 1.9.0-p1 (Patch 1) which fixes several bugs within the original 1.9.0 release back in February.

The Team have taken the historically unusual step of making this build available prior to the release of 1.9.1 which is still under development so that users can take advantage of the fixes being employed without risk of introducing potentially new risks with the ongoing development.

We hope that this patched build will be of use to the contributors making use of the development branch this early in its conception. We are very grateful to them for their support and contributions.

You can keep up to date on our road map located <a href=>here</a>

Posted on 19 Apr 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope LDAP Backend

All Users,

We have recently introduced an LDAP backend for Anope. The purpose of this was to allow a single account to be used across the Forums, Bugzilla, & Wiki along with any new services we may offer in the future.

We have taken the databases from the Forum and Bugtracker and merged them together as best we could in order to import the most amount of unique entries into the LDAP system.

All users must reset their passwords via the following link in order to allow logins to function again across all services.

Password Reset Link

Once this has been done, you will be able to log into any of our services using your uid.

Any problems, let us know on IRC.

Posted on 08 Mar 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope Support Network Changes

We’d like to announce that we’ve recently migrated our support network ( over onto InspIRCd 1.2 and have started to use our own new development builds (1.9.0) from SVN.

Many people have asked us why we made this move both to InspIRCd and indeed why we’d leave the comfort of a stable release to use development (potentially unstable) versions and I have answers for you.

We chose InspIRCd as it’s a well maintained, highly motivated and definitely innovative product and we (Anope) should be are the forefront of the technology for the sake of our users. (Ok, and our own selfish lust to play with new shiny things!)

We decided also to make the move from Anope 1.8 to 1.9 for a few reasons, namely to put our money where our mouth is and start to push the game forward by showing it’s developing fast and taking strides forward. We also wanted to be able to have users experience it for themselves without the need for a testnet or taking the plunge until their ready.

Finally we figured that if we use Anope 1.9 with InspIRCd we’d be helping both teams find/fix bugs as we are all in the same game at the end of the day; to provide reliable, and feature packed IRC ‘Services’ to administrators & users alike.

There is no political motive to our move; we merely want to further the compatibility efforts with InspIRCd and with the news of the Unreal project forking InspIRCd for their next major version we might aswell get in on the ground with InspIRCd.

In other news, we’re aiming for a release of Anope 1.9.0 as the first milestone in the development since it started it’s development over on C++ and we’d like everyone to get involved with us in testing and suggesting new features on the forum here and reporting any bugs to us on the Bugtracker here

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Posted on 09 Feb 2009 by chaz (Read More...)

Anope 1.9.0 - Development Released

The Anope Team are proud to announce the immediate availability of our latest development release 1.9.0. We should stress that at this time the API is likely to remain somewhat volatile between releases so module authors should bear this in mind and speak with us if you have any particular questions.

Key Changes for the end user?

Ported to C++
New Configuration File Format (1.8 style config files will not work!)
Core Services able to be used as Botserv Bots (ie. Chanserv can be your botserv bot if you wish)
InspIRCd 1.2 Support

Our intentions are laid out clearly on the TODO/Roadmap located here

We welcome any Feature Requests on our forum here

Any Bug Reports can be logged on our tracker at or pop into our support channel to have a chat first before logging a bug if you’re unsure. ( #anope).

We should stress that it’s important to take a back up before running this version of Anope but that it will work just fine with your existing databases from 1.8 so give it a go and let us know your thoughts! (Back up important because you can’t go back!)

I just personally want to add my thanks for everyone both within the Team and those on the outside who’ve been involved in taking the project leaps and bounds forwards in the last few months. Without you all, there would be no project to work for and for that I am very grateful.


anope-1.9.0-release.exe (MD5: 2dc4515383cd0c4a050fa264602d6f69)
anope-1.9.0-release-source.tar.gz (MD5: 74a8bb5bfd97dc1ec63a6297a6228840)

Grab them from Sourceforge here

Posted on 09 Feb 2009 by chaz (Read More...)